Friday, March 20, 2009


My first attempt writing a poem.

It was in the month of May,
I am walking alone along the bay.
The walk seemed a lone long way,
Tho' well trodden, in the mid of the day...

A caller comes a-ringing on my cell phone
Then it sounded like an "I love you" tone.
Took the call, feeling like being newly born
But, no response - the caller had gone!

Oh! How I missed that only call
That reminded me of the past big fall.
My experience now seems a trivial joke to all
Shared with a laugh over a smoke, in a mall.

Forgetting the past affair, I drown in a drink
Of glasses of booze, all filled to the brink.
A girl can be as deadly, as fatal as a knife!
A cut you've got can leave a scar for life.

-- Suresh --

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